Huh. Apparently I have a blog. Apparently I also have at least one demanding subscriber who misses these spontaneous glimpses into her college daughter's life. It's hard to condense the past month and half into one post, but perhaps some fun (possibly disturbing? Depends on how you feel about laundry . . . ) facts about the last few weeks at wonderful Grinnell College.
Fun facts:
1. I am essentially the leader of a worship group on campus, which means I am currently responsible for picking the songs each week, making sure all of the musicians have a copy of the music, and fronting the band with my piano playing skills. I am also slowly gaining the responsibility of printing out lyrics sheets and potentially finding people to speak each week. Yay leadership!
2. Speaking of leadership, I was also voted a captain of the tennis team. Perk number one about being a captain: why yes, I DO claim a bed to myself. :) I also lead cheering when necessary and head the group of complainers.
3. I am a tour guide! I am now a proud (and vocal) representative of Grinnell College. I have given a grand total of TWO tours so far, but I think they've gone at least moderately well. I applied for this position in the spring, was sent to the reserves list, and then was asked to join in the fall to fill a couple slots. Yay me.
4. I have had the same occupational plan for at least two weeks now, which means it must be pretty certain. I want to be a professor. Preferably at Grinnell College, or somewhere incredibly similar (i.e. equally awesome, friendly, diverse, liberal, and focused on social justice). Probably in sociology.
5. I have an A so far in Calculus. Pretty much every day I give myself a smug pat on the back for being so brave and diversifying my classes.
6. I will be experiencing my first 10/10 on Saturday. Apparently there is a campus wide shot at 12:00. I'm curious to know how they herd all the drunk people onto Mac field, distribute shots to everyone, and then prevent general chaos.
7. Women's tennis team is undefeated - LET'S GO.
8. It's one and I have class tomorrow at eight and one more thing to do between now and then (besides sleep). Therefore I hope you can understand this admittedly brief farewell. "Bye."