Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mighty to Save

Two years ago I was a freshman at Denison University, living life on the Hill, stressing about classes, and ready to visit my family in Texas.  I was terribly academic and book-bound, so that particular Thursday night I was editing a paper for my FYS for the umpteenth time.  Like most good college students, I remained convinced that the paper would improve drastically if I spent more time on Facebook, and I was reading through the newest updates when I saw one from my cousin, Anna.

“what the hell just happened.”

I went to her wall.  There were already so many posts from friends saying they were praying for her.  I texted my mom, “What’s wrong with Anna Basso?”

Instead of a text back, I got a phone call.  My heart was already racing when I answered the call and heard my mom crying on the other end, “She has cancer.”

That moment changed me forever.  And I can’t begin to imagine how that moment when a sore hip turned into Ewing’s sarcoma changed Anna, her sister, and her parents.  In turns out Anna was transformed into a beautiful angel, heroically battling cancer, loving everyone around her, receiving boundless love in return, and eventually ascending into Heaven to be with Christ.  Her sister became a more powerful blogger, sharing her emotions, the trials of the battle, and all her fears with an engaged audience.  Her parents grew into terrifically strong people who suffered and fought with Anna every step of the way.

And throughout the journey, people reached out to Anna.  By graduation, 1,000,000 people had pledged to pray for her every day at 12:12. 

Recently that number passed 2,000,000.

The song that helped me through this challenging period was “Mighty to Save” by Hillsong.  It took awhile before I could listen to it without crying.

Every time I sang it I thought about Anna.  I was convinced God would save her.  Even when I heard she had months, then weeks, then just days to live, I still believed that miracle was possible.  I refused to accept the reality of cancer, because God was mighty to save.  So when my dad turned to me and my brother and said, “Your mom’s going to call to say that Anna passed away today,” I was in shock.  Stunned.  Devastated.  Where was God?

Well, He was busy welcoming His newest angel to heaven.  He answered our prayers, but not in the way we had hoped.  He ended her suffering.  He healed her.  And He made her perfect.  God really is mighty to save.

12.12.  Float On.

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